Marbury Group | About

Based in Pittsburgh, the Marbury Group offers clients comprehensive marketing and media services that include strategic campaigns that enhance brand identity and recognition. The firm also has experience in integrated digital and social media marketing campaigns that increase Internet traffic, boost search engine visibility, and deliver quality content. Major components of the Marbury Group’s results-driven digital strategies include mobile ads, website development, and tailored Google display network campaigns.

With an extensive knowledge of the local community, the Marbury Group has undertaken numerous event marketing projects for partners including BMW and Gander Mountain. The executive team excels in identifying dynamic partnership opportunities with nonprofit organizations such as the Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC and Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, which enable clients to give back to the community and reach new demographics. Two of the company’s past events include the Brett Keisel Outdoor Fundraiser and the Black and Gold Pheasant Hunt. To learn more about the full range of Marbury Group marketing and media solutions, visit

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